Upcoming Construction Plans
- Complete work inside the West Holding Tank and install Flexible Membrane Digester Gas Cover.
- Complete installation of the Pre-engineered Metal Building for the Cake Loadout.
- Complete upgrades in the East Digester.
- Repair East Holding Tank upper walls and construct new aluminum dome cover.
- Refurbish DAF 1 and 2 into the new sidestream treatment system.
- Complete High Mast Lights.
Work Completed
January 2025
- Goodwin and various subs and suppliers are continuing to develop and submit O&Ms and Training Plans, and a few other submittals for review.
- Procured additional BAS controls and aluminum ductwork this month.
- Began work on the new Water Main into the Blue River WWTP.
- Continued installing piping and ductwork at various areas of the Biosolids Building.
- Continued electrical wire pulling and terminations at several areas of the Biosolids Building.
- Continued installing the Cake Loadout PEMB wall and ceiling panels.
- Continued installing cable tray and wire pulling at the Utility Corridor.
- Continued installing the cable catch system at the West Holding Tank,.
- Installed additional above ground piping at the Waste Gas Flare.
- Installed stucco at the WHT walls.
- Continued the electrical work inside the Sidestream Electrical Building.
- Formed and poured equipment pads at the Sidestream Treatment Building.
- Continued duct installation at the Odor Control area.
- Continued installing the duct bank to DAF 3.
→ Click here to view construction work completed in 2021 and 2022.
→ Click here to view construction work completed in 2023.
→ Click here to view construction work completed in 2024.